Background: Above the previous half century, the use of modern contraception has spread
along the developing world (Avidime et al., 2010). The trends of modern contraceptive
utilization have increased slightly globally, which was 54% in 1990 to 57.4% in 2015 (Adane et
al., 2020). In Africa, the modern contraceptive use have ascended a little, from 23.6% in 2008 to
28.5% in 2015 2015 (Adane et al., 2020). The use of modern contraceptive among sub-Saharan
country increased in East Africa by 1% to 17%, in West Africa 0.5% to 8% every year by 1999.
In Rwanda, 58% of current married women in reproductive age 15-49 use modern method of
contraception while 48% of sexual active unmarried women use modern method of contraception
(National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, 2020).